yOni sOma:

A somatic pelvic floor class for women

Get rooted. Transform your connection with your body. Increase sensation. Become supple and strong. Show up for yourself.

Download my FREE Correct Kegels and Breathe into your Perineum audio.

Pelvic floor feeling neglected?

Want to reconnect?

Yoni Soma:

  • Transforms your connection with your body

  • Increases sensation and awareness

  • Helps you become supple and strong

  • Uses tools to get you motivated to show up

  • Makes you feel more rooted and grounded

    “I’m post menopause and after completing Sarah’s course, to my wonderful surprise, I became multi-orgasmic- something I’ve never experienced my entire life” -yOni Yoga graduate

    Yoni Soma is for:

    Women of ALL ages who want to:

  • address pelvic floor issues

  • re-claim their bodies after a life transition (post-partum, a break-up, menopause)

  • learn about their amazing anatomy

  • feel inspired and motivated to look after themselves

It’s time to re-connect and get rooted.

I believe honouring your pelvic floor is the antidote to modern life. We tend to live above the waist, sitting too much and feeling ungrounded and disconnected from our bodies. Not to mention cultural conditioning and taboos about “down below”- it’s no wonder this is an area that gets forgotten.!


This course combines:

  • Movement that uses your entire body. The more of us we use, the better the squeeze.

  • Waking up the intricate orchestra of your pelvic floor for increased strength, sensation and connection.

  • Deep relaxation and releasing of the soft tissues around the pelvis with Yin Yoga.

  • Tapping into your bodies’ wisdom through womb meditation and visualization.

  • Going deeper, increasing motivation by releasing blocks with somatic coaching practices.

  • Inspired learning about your anatomy

  • Freeing up the body and loving the skin you’re in with dance and somatic movement

Get yourself connected and join the evolution.

See package options below. Curious? See what other women say about their journey below.

Download my Correct Kegels and Breathe into your Perineum audio here.

Package options:


Designed for women who:

  • are on the move and prefer to go at their own pace/timing with a pre-recorded online course

  • are self-motivated throughout the course and beyond

    What’s included?

  • questionnaire to gauge your “starting point”

  • 3x15 min 1:1 private calls for the start mid-point and end.

  • 6x pre-recorded1hr sessions, including 1 session on pleasure anatomy

  • recording of daily 7 min complete pelvic floor routine you can do almost anywhere

  • weekly home practices

  • weekly email support

  • accountability and motivational tools to keep you on track

  • life access to course material

    Investment: $169 (USD)


Is for women who:

  • enjoy doing things live and in community to promote connection, accountability, deeper learning and support

  • have pelvic floor issues and could use a more committed time in a group setting to practice and discuss.

    What’s included?

  • 6 weekly LIVE 1 hr zoom sessions OR

  • 5 weekly in person sessions (1.25 hrs)

  • daily check-ins in the FB group to increase accountability

  • the online course pre-recorded material for a lifetime.

    Investment: $ 250 (USD)

    Our next cohort will be in January


Bronze e-course plus for women who:

  • know that the pelvic floor health is important to them but would love some 1:1 time to develop a personalized practice, along with any motivational or emotional support along the way.

  • know that their pelvic floor health is a lifelong project and won’t stop once the 6 weeks is over

  • want to invest in an ongoing pelvic floor practice

    What’s included?

  • Bronze e-course

  • A transformational personalized journey to support the program

  • 6x 30 min. 1:1 sessions with Sarah which can be either personal training or somatic life coaching based on issues you would like to address.

    Investment: $495 (USD)

Disclaimer: this is an exercise program and is not a replacement for any protocols recommended by a physician or physiotherapist.


More on why yOni Yoga so valuable

We all know we need to do more for our beloved pelvic floors. Like any muscle in the body, they need regular movement, a combination of strengthening as well as relaxation exercises to keep them happy and supple. 

But knowing this isn’t often enough. So we tend to ignore our pelvic floors until they become problematic. 

You might have been taught a sequence of exercises to do, but you’re unmotivated to follow through on a regular basis. This is the biggest issue when it comes to pelvic floor health- lack of  motivation. 

Or you might have practiced a bit, but didn’t find them very effective anyway. You’re not alone- 40% of us aren’t doing pelvic floor exercises correctly. 

What’s usually available “out there” is often: 

  • dry, uninspiring exercises that you loose interest in maintaining

  • touchy-feely new age workshops that don’t deal with the practicals of keeping your pelvic floor supple and healthy

  • gizmos that just end up gathering dust

    It’s time to shake off the cobwebs and ignite your pelvic floor,

    See you on the inside!