Nature’s Invitation
Beautiful Beech, Wytham Woods, Oxford.
“We began as mineral. We emerged into plant life, and into the animal state, and then into being human, and always we have forgotten our former states, except in early spring when we slightly recall being green again.”
Greetings from the U.K. I've been visiting family and dear friends as well as gardening and getting my hands dirty.
The transition into spring can be exciting and also unsettling. Want to know more about how nature can support you to feel grounded during this seasons change?
Last weekend I ran a movement workshop in Oxford' ancient Wytham Woods, amongst majestic beech trees.
We were blessed with glorious sunshine and the women who joined got to experience nature in surprising ways.
By doing somatic movement to open our "animal human bodies", we ventured out to our special spot, and had our own, intimate play with nature.
Here's Keren's experience of the day:
"I attended the whole day and it felt like it was a special treat. The elements were AWESOME. I felt a strong sense of gratitude at the end of the day for the nature practice as it was facilitated as such that we really felt safe, gave ourselves permission and I benefited in discovering quirky or unexpected ways to be in nature." -Keren
Here are ways to have your own nature connection:
Indoors: Stretch your lower body, particularly the hips and pelvis
Pack a journal, some tea and wear waterproofs head to toe, rain or shine
Find a special spot in nature and greet the spot with intention
Put a timer on, (20-40 mins ideal) and let yourself move with a sense of child-like curiosity and play
Be led by your body, not your eyes/thoughts
Experiment with moving at different heights, on the ground, on all fours etc.
Follow your body and allow moments of stillness
Once your session is complete, take time to journal sip your tea and simply "be"
I would love to know about your own experience with this practice.
Happy moving,
S xx